Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8855953 times)

What the forget did you just loving say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the forget out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my loving words. You think you can get away with saying that stuff to me over the Internet? Think again, forgeter. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re loving dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little stuff. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your loving tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will stuff fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re loving dead, kiddo.

LOL I don't know where you get off saying that? I have had my body fat tested in 3 different facilities, in two of those cases my body fat was too low to measure with their tools (This only happens when you have below 4% body fat)
I have had my body fat tested over and over again because everyone thought the test was wrong, each time came back with the same result. Yes I am 3~4% body fat everyday.
calipers and bioelectrical impedance aren't the most accurate forms of measurements as each can be influenced by numerous factors. sorry but once again, you do not walk around 3-4% body fat. its not physically possible to maintain such a low body fat % so unless you're defying science (and roiding) and you can get an actual accurate measurement either through a DEXA scan or even hydrostatic weighing saying youre 3.3% then you're talking out of your ass. even from your picture i can tell that youre not 4% let alone 3.3%

calipers and bioelectrical impedance aren't the most accurate forms of measurements as each can be influenced by numerous factors. sorry but once again, you do not walk around 3-4% body fat. its not physically possible to maintain such a low body fat % so unless you're defying science (and roiding) and you can get an actual accurate measurement either through a DEXA scan or even hydrostatic weighing saying youre 3.3% then you're talking out of your ass. even from your picture i can tell that youre not 4% let alone 3.3%

It's a picture in a restroom, lighting is no where near optimal. No matter if you believe it or not. I am 4% body fat or below lol.

It's a picture in a restroom, lighting is no where near optimal. No matter if you believe it or not. I am 4% body fat or below lol.
lmao i can still see that you aren't anywhere near 3.3% you're delusional and sound like a gym-bro saying 4% body fat stuff because you aren't even close. post it on any weightlifting forum and you'd get laughed off the planet. if you knew anything before you started spewing bullstuff you'd know that you aren't 3.3%, 4%, 5% whatever you think you are. no matter if you believe it or not, its literally impossible to live at 3-4% body fat. sorry buddy I know it hurts your ego to hear that you're fatter than you think but its the truth.

also for science, whats your height n weight mr 3.3%

how often do you guys work out? i wanna get under 5% within the next year. im strong but not near jacked yet feelsbad

lmao i can still see that you aren't anywhere near 3.3% you're delusional and sound like a gym-bro saying 4% body fat stuff because you aren't even close. post it on any weightlifting forum and you'd get laughed off the planet. if you knew anything before you started spewing bullstuff you'd know that you aren't 3.3%, 4%, 5% whatever you think you are. no matter if you believe it or not, its literally impossible to live at 3-4% body fat. sorry buddy I know it hurts your ego to hear that you're fatter than you think but its the truth.

also for science, whats your height n weight mr 3.3%

Please, go and shell the cash for a hydrostatic measurement each time you want to weigh your body fat percentage. I happen to be lucky to be in a gym where their yearly challenge has us weigh in using their dunk tank, but not everyone has access to that. Literally every normal scale with a body fat meter will have a body fat percentage in the single digits. Its an easy way to gauge your progress. My scale says I'm 3% but hydrostatic weighing says I'm 12%. Get over yourself.

lmao i can still see that you aren't anywhere near 3.3% you're delusional and sound like a gym-bro saying 4% body fat stuff because you aren't even close. post it on any weightlifting forum and you'd get laughed off the planet. if you knew anything before you started spewing bullstuff you'd know that you aren't 3.3%, 4%, 5% whatever you think you are. no matter if you believe it or not, its literally impossible to live at 3-4% body fat. sorry buddy I know it hurts your ego to hear that you're fatter than you think but its the truth.
it must be a hard life getting this worked up over someone talking about their muscle mass


Please, go and shell the cash for a hydrostatic measurement each time you want to weigh your body fat percentage. I happen to be lucky to be in a gym where their yearly challenge has us weigh in using their dunk tank, but not everyone has access to that. Literally every scale with a body fat meter will have a body fat percentage in the single digits. My scale says I'm 3% but hydrostatic weighing says I'm 12%. Get over yourself.
thats the point, youre 12% lol so you can't go around saying youre 3% without getting called out for spewing bullstuff. You can estimate, like I estimate Im probably ~12% right now, but when you say some bullstuff ridiculousness like you walk around at 3-4% your gonna get called out for it because thats exactly what it is, bullstuff. If you're gonna walk around talking bout your 3.3% body fat then its probably best you have some actually measurements to back it up (not picture "scales" or calipers or bioelectrical impedence) Also if your scale says 3% you need a new scale
it must be a hard life getting this worked up over someone talking about their muscle mass
just calling bullstuff when i see it

thats the point, youre 12% lol so you can't go around saying youre 3% without getting called out for spewing bullstuff. You can estimate, like I estimate Im probably ~12% right now, but when you say some bullstuff ridiculousness like you walk around at 3-4% your gonna get called out for it because thats exactly what it is, bullstuff. If you're gonna walk around talking bout your 3.3% body fat then its probably best you have some actually measurements to back it up (not picture "scales" or calipers or bioelectrical impedence) Also if your scale says 3% you need a new scalejust calling bullstuff when i see it

Even the scale at my local supplement store says the same thing. No one is going to call bullstuff on you because literally anyone with a scale at home is going to report stats in the same ratio. People don't just have hydrostatic weighting tanks in their living room.

The hell is going on in here, this is the most nitpicky and pointless argument that I've ever seen lolwtf

lmao i can still see that you aren't anywhere near 3.3% you're delusional and sound like a gym-bro saying 4% body fat stuff because you aren't even close. post it on any weightlifting forum and you'd get laughed off the planet. if you knew anything before you started spewing bullstuff you'd know that you aren't 3.3%, 4%, 5% whatever you think you are. no matter if you believe it or not, its literally impossible to live at 3-4% body fat. sorry buddy I know it hurts your ego to hear that you're fatter than you think but its the truth.

also for science, whats your height n weight mr 3.3%
to be honest i guess you either don't lift or simply just don't like being wrong.
If you must know I am 5'10" and 125 pounds. I never believed I was 4% body fat. I always assumed i was around 7~8%
But after being tested 3 times by professionals, one of them who was a doctor I just went with it since they all said I was under 4% and all warned me how unhealthy it was.
I don't know why you feel the need to argue with me over something you are trying to judge over a picture lol, might as well just stop.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2016, 08:26:26 PM by BlackMod »

The hell is going on in here, this is the most nitpicky and pointless argument that I've ever seen lolwtf
ITT: "do you even lift"

it must be a hard life getting this worked up over someone talking about their muscle mass

Even the scale at my local supplement store says the same thing. No one is going to call bullstuff on you because literally anyone with a scale at home is going to report stats in the same ratio. People don't just have hydrostatic weighting tanks in their living room.
again, my point is that if you're going to claim a ridiculous statistic, you should probably have some real test to back it up and not your doctor looking at you and saying your under 4%

no they don't have weighing tanks and dexa tables lying around but most people also dont claim to walk around at 3.3%
to be honest i guess you either don't lift or simply just don't like being wrong.
If you must know I am 5'10" and 125 pounds. I never believed I was 4% body fat. I always assumed i was around 7~8%
But after being tested 3 times by professionals, one of them who was a doctor I just went with it since they all said I was under 4% and all warned me how unhealthy it was.
I don't know why you feel the need to argue with me over something you are trying to judge over a picture lol, might as well just stop.
i dont know why my lifting experience has anything to do with this but. i would say your previous assumption about your body fat % is more accurate

heres a good video from a good guy

also: guy featured in ^ video
« Last Edit: December 10, 2016, 08:46:04 PM by SlayerZ99 »