Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8847621 times)

is that a mustache or a pencil smudge

acne scars are annoying but they go away in time if you keep your skin maintained. took me like a year for mine to mostly go away and there's still some on my cheek from earlier this year

your skin looks really good tho lately so keep it up

peach fuzz mustache, irl though it's barely noticeable

acne is really annoying for me because I only get it under my eyes and it won't go away. I've used clay 'healing powder' and apple cider vinegar, but it hasn't been going away completely.

All I used to do was pop them by scratching off that dried puss scab they form after a while (stupid I know) and wash my face in the shower vigorously by covering it in soap, scrubbing, using my nails to scratch off as much of caked-on oils as I can, and use the towel really hard to scrape off whatever was left

It worked just on my worst spot of acne it caused scarring, but my face is smooth now

jesus christ that is probably the absolute opposite of what i did to clear my skin but hey if it works it works

that sounds really painful lol

Here's a before and after, me in 8th grade vs me in 10th grade

It worked great, just scarring and that's it lol

that sounds really painful lol
At first it was but after awhile it didn't hurt, it was worth it imo

jesus christ that is probably the absolute opposite of what i did to clear my skin but hey if it works it works

lol i only got acne on my left cheek

is that normal

Here's a before and after, me in 8th grade vs me in 10th grade

It worked great, just scarring and that's it lol

At first it was but after awhile it didn't hurt, it was worth it imo
good job on fixing the acne
cant imagine how bad that had to be like literally scraping your face off
i get bumps on my forehead and my cheeks and stuff but 90% of it is unnoticeable

good job on fixing the acne
cant imagine how bad that had to be like literally scraping your face off
i get bumps on my forehead and my cheeks and stuff but 90% of it is unnoticeable
lol I got desperate, I couldn't scratch my face, touch my face, or anything face related with all that loving acne. Plus allergies was ass because wiping my nose and eyes = rubbing acne which hurt like a bitch. Also if I sweat, it caused the acne thats already there to spread and I couldn't wipe it off cause you know, rubbing against acne hurts

I got desperate and just went apestuff on them over the course of 2 years and it turned out lit af

i never got acne until one of my friends took a pizza i made him and slapped it across my forehead
i got acne on my forehead for about a month and nowhere else
now its all gone

i never got acne until one of my friends took a pizza i made him and slapped it across my forehead
how ungrateful

i never got acne until one of my friends took a pizza i made him and slapped it across my forehead


this thread makes me thankful that my skin is super clear