Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8870103 times)

The grass represents people.

The drama dog attempts to devour the people of the internet, destroying them, then regurgitating their lifeless corpses.

Drama dog is ruthless.


Such power....

Such grace...

This picture...

it is...


I've made up my mind that Cookie is fake. Different hair length, style, type, breast size, eye color, hair color, weight ratio, and overall, face. Stop faking it, Kaphix or whoever you are.

He's callin' you "Biggie smalls"

the pictures are different

well im sure they are different, they may be about a year appart.

the center of the face does look rather alike....

The top one is browned,

SO how could you tell if eye colour is diffrent?

i hope its not kaphix. she sounds fun D=

both of them are at least 2 years old, as i have tattoos now.



before then

One picture's is black. The other lets you see some light passing through, and I don't want to hear anyone bitching about how the lighting is different. For God's sakes, why are you people defending her? Isn't the probability of having a female on the forum low enough to convince you?

As for the new pics, post some that you took today. If you can prove that you're real, make the peace sign with your hand and stick your tongue out in the pic. See, if you can have an original pic, I'll believe you.

or like write hi blockland ona  paper or your hand or somethign