Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 9553071 times)

it just so happens that i just dyed my hair
-snippity snap-
yeee stuffty front facing iphone camera selfies
Is it just me, or do you look different in every picture?

Notice how youre some ugly ass green lima bean and Im a white guy with cool hair?
thats tribal

really tribal

lets be friends



(How to re size image)

that pic makes you seem bigger than you probably are. Also nice to see you're attracting some pusillanimous individual.

Quick, stroke the cat like an evil genius.

no im showing off my beautiful face

you're tryin to show off ur boobs
u caught me
no but your hair really does look a lot lighter than it used to look thats why i asked :c

and steve here u fukin go heres me bein a strait up g

is that blue?

you're tryin to show off ur boobs
is that blue?
what boobs?

« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 12:02:45 AM by Biohazard »

do u also hate not being a friend
becus thats what it seems lik


apply cold water to burned area.jpg