Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8841842 times)

you wouldnt consider anybody who is loving a siberian tiger mentally sane would you?

i was bored so i took a million gay selfies

god bless the awkward state my hair is in

catch the wave
just when i erase the memories of that creepy video from my mind

Currently headed to banquet.

Professional Japanese Businessman!
(You are Japanese, right?)

Professional Japanese Businessman!
(You are Japanese, right?)
i vaguely remember him saying that he's of hong kong origin

How is that at all relevant to what I just said? Are either Shazoo or Nick siberian tigers?
siberian tigers are known to be very loveual

so possibly

siberian tigers are known to be very loveual

so possibly
Dumb post. Don't get salty at other people just because you're not getting any.

Dumb post. Don't get salty at other people just because you're not getting any.
who said i wasn't getting any?

in what part was i salty in anything i said?

tbh it looks like you're trying to white knight for shazoo

in what part was i salty in anything i said?
at least he doesn't bang males on the blockland forums for forum rep and free stuff
Virgin salt