Author Topic: Horray, Snow is on it's way!  (Read 2951 times)

Yup, it's supposed to snow today in New Mexico, and continue on all week. Just in time for christmas. :D

Discuss if it's going to snow this week for you or anything snow-like.

No snow for UK :(
According to my mum we had some one morning in november, I was sleeping tho :o

* CapTMeaT wishes it would snow in Tennessee.

*Muzzles56 wishes it would snow in Lurgan

*Duxteif wishes it would snow in Australia, where I live

Doesn't snow in Australia, plus its mid summer here. Funny though only 2 days ago are it was freezing, I was wearing winter clothes.

It just snowed for 2 whole days straight here. :D  Yay New Hampshire

Here, we'd be lucky if it snowed for 2 whole hours.

*Muzzles56 wishes it would snow in Lurgan
*Duxteif wishes it would snow in Australia, where I live
[ me=NAME ][/me]

Anyone want my snow I got 2ft and I hate it

According to my mum we had some one morning in november, I was sleeping tho :o
Yea, but it wasn't enough to build snowmen. :(

[ me=NAME ][/me]
Ah now I can add an S to Packer, I just do /me.
* Packers hat falls off

* tails eats packers hat