Author Topic: Suggestion for Blockland v0002  (Read 9457 times)

Change the title now.

What the hell, it's down at the bottom where it shows who's online, handicap.

Hey I forward this motion. Betcha none of you know who I really am o.O ooo eee ooo. Except venom and maveric.

I too forward this. It will be nice to have people to play with and more noobs to flame. (Not serious on the latter.)

I could say Hi to Ratty and he'd say hi back. We need more people!!!

And no reply from BS... BTW Hi Grim.

I am curious as to why you quoted me?

He's too lazy to type it. I forward this motion, not like you need my permission though. Plang Loel.

This discussion is just stupid.  Of course we should get more users wherever we can.  The getting of more n00bs is not a downside, it's an inevitability.

Yeah, Lantern's 100% right. :) I'd totally take 4 noobs if I knew I'd get another Rititundo out of it. I miss Rit.... :*(

We've long gotten past that.

I forward this motion (Sorry i'm late i was busy)

 :cookieMonster: :cookie: <- Forrowded <- Is drunk.