Author Topic: Taking Map Requests  (Read 2637 times)

I will be making

Veitnam Map
Zombie House
Marz Map
City RP Map
« Last Edit: January 11, 2009, 12:33:41 AM by MAPMASTER »

A D-day map for my movie please!

A D-day map for my movie please!
That shouldn't be to hard make water, beach ect.
When im testing map tell me if it needs anything else.

Could I get a map designed especially for City RP servers?
I am not really sure on details yey, so just go with it!

Could I get a map designed especially for City RP servers?
I am not really sure on details yey, so just go with it!
So like a plain grassy map with some roads, houses or like hills?

A D-day map for my movie please!
They already have one it's called, Bunker Beach.

They already have one it's called, Bunker Beach.
Yes well Bunker Beach is more like an island base not D-Day thing

Yeah well you can build your own D-Day map instead of making one and Bunker Beach does the job for a D-Day map.

Thats true ah hell I could just download bunker beach and edit a little bit giving most credit to Mutantz.

Btw got any requests Daffy?

My insane negotiating skills just saved you a mess of work. No requests at the moment.

I checked out Bunker Beach it would be fine for D-Day movie

Also anyone got any Ideas for RPG City Map

A vietnam jungle map with bomb craters, or mars with some ancient temple on a mountain that takes you down deep into underground tunnels, with Egyptian writing on the walls

fine, i was gonna give a crap load of credit to you if you made it

guess ill have to get another map maker

Could I get a map designed especially for City RP servers?
I am not really sure on details yey, so just go with it!
So like a plain grassy map with some roads, houses or like hills?
Just a simple Nieghborhood. If you have ever played the game,Lego Creator, then you should get an Idea of what I request.

Note: If you add roads, make ditches that can be used as basements. An perhaps hollow roads to add sewers and/or subways!