Author Topic: Taking Map Requests  (Read 2636 times)

How about a bathroom, with a lot of secrets, like a drain, pipes...?

i was thinking of an edit of BAC's plate, like have the map sectioned off for city rps, like have there be roads in the map and have a grid or something with a big barrier around the whole thing

How about a bathroom, with a lot of secrets, like a drain, pipes...?
That's a good idea I'll make that
A vietnam jungle map with bomb craters
Almost done with that do you mind if there is a beach and an abanden milatary base?

I don't mind, and good Idea

how about level one of portal just for the lawls that people will have
im just too lazy to remake it again

fine, i was gonna give a crap load of credit to you if you made it

guess ill have to get another map maker
Why don't you just build one? I mean building your own sets creates more rep for you in your movies and Bunker Beach is great for it. If you're too lazy just to add on to it with builds than you sir are lazy.

Make a... Zombie House where it's all screwed up and it's stormy outside, you know what I mean?


Would be epic.

F*ck I totally messed up the Veitnam Map I completely finished it then I went into my folder and changed the .ml file names now all that remains of my map is some tree's water(no texture) and my interiors, sorry riot im probly not going to remake it cause it took me forever to get it done sorry D:!

Could you make a map with a mountain with in it gap as wide and far as a 64x64 brick and as tall as 2 2x2x5 on eachother?

At least the bathroom is going to be started.