Author Topic: Sound_glassBreak1  (Read 6247 times)

A new, longer, sound of glass breaking

This sound is used in many games, old and somewhat new. Now it is for use in Blockland!


Feel free to add any suggestions to which types of Sounds to add next!

EDIT: I knew people would flame me because their is already a sound based on glass breaking. WELL IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW THIS ONE IS LONGER.
EDIT: Ahh, its calmed down now.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 07:39:19 AM by Sankuro »

Can we hear it?
Just download it, open the zip and play the file 'glassBreak1'.

Just download it, open the zip and play the file 'glassBreak1'.
Just give us a link to a recording to the sound :P

Just give us a link to a recording to the sound :P
Do you guys NOT know what it sounds like when glass shatters?

A little static did you record it?

It was used in many games he said, I don't think he would have recorded it. If he did then he lied to us.

There's a much nicer sound that already comes with the game for "Glass breaking".

achualy wrong section his goes in sounds

There isn't a 'Sounds' section. There's a 'Music' section, but that is for looping music for Music bricks, not sounds for Wrench Events.

Double Toast.
Any suggestions?
I just found this sound in my folder of sounds (which contains at least 50 sound FX) and i remembered it from this old PS1 game I played as well as some others.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2009, 09:54:41 AM by Sankuro »

they already have this

they already have this
No they don't.
This is like the sound glassBreak, but longer..