Author Topic: So I jumped off a wall.  (Read 4735 times)

a 6-7 foot wall
That's really not that much. =/

Foolish thing I ever did was be careless when climbing over a fence. Ended up with purple balls.
I also ran into a parked car onces and kinda rolled over the hood. (no pun intended?)
« Last Edit: January 31, 2009, 09:18:58 AM by Vertzer »

I was riding my dirtbike around after school and I decided to jump the end of my driveway. (it is about 700ft long with a hill at the end that rolls over, you can get about 3 ft of air off of it on the 70 I had) I had jumped it many times before, but this time as I came up over the hill one of my brother's friends is coming into the driveway in an S.U.V. I hit it and ended up breaking my arm and leg.

Another one is that we made this huge rope swing hanging from a tree on this steep hill that goes down to our lake. One time I decided to start from higher up on the hill and of course the increased speed made the ropes stretch bcause of weight and the bottom tip of the wooden seat (a 2 x 4 :P ) just barely touched a tiny stump sticking out of the ground hard enough to make my but fall off of it, but I was still holding on. At the end my weight was trying to keep moving so it snatched me away from the swing. I fell 25-30 feet onto the hill and broke a rib. That sucked.

I almost drowned trying to knee-board because i strapped the velcro wrong D;

I was riding my dirtbike around after school and I decided to jump the end of my driveway. (it is about 700ft long with a hill at the end that rolls over, you can get about 3 ft of air off of it on the 70 I had) I had jumped it many times before, but this time as I came up over the hill one of my brother's friends is coming into the driveway in an S.U.V. I hit it and ended up breaking my arm and leg.

Another one is that we made this huge rope swing hanging from a tree on this steep hill that goes down to our lake. One time I decided to start from higher up on the hill and of course the increased speed made the ropes stretch bcause of weight and the bottom tip of the wooden seat (a 2 x 4 :P ) just barely touched a tiny stump sticking out of the ground hard enough to make my but fall off of it, but I was still holding on. At the end my weight was trying to keep moving so it snatched me away from the swing. I fell 25-30 feet onto the hill and broke a rib. That sucked.
Yea. Rite.

Real men don't put seats on rope swings hanging over water.

I'm not lying. The first one was week before summer break. I forgeted up my whole summer I had to be in a wheelchair for the first month until my arm healed so I could use crutches and then on crutches for the second month. As for the second one that just sucked. It hurt pretty much anytime I moved for about a month. Also, the first one I was lucky I was wearing my helmet as the crash could have killed me if I hadn't been wearing it. The bike's front tire ended up stuck partially under the car, then I flew forward broke my leg over my handlebars, and broke my arm as I whiplashed into the hood of the SUV. I then bounced and ended up on the ground. I didn't even realize I had broken my wrist until someone said something.

Real men don't put seats on rope swings hanging over water.
It isn't over water. The hill goes down to my lake, but at the end of the rope swing it is still about 15 feet from the water. (Not counting height, just sideways distance)

I had gotten those "fun" heely shoes, and I was "heelying" down a hill.  I got near the bottom, hit a crack in the sidewalk, went head over heels the rest of the way down said hill, and finnally hit the bottom.  I had a very strong pain in my right leg, so I walked home and pulled up my pant leg.  All the skin on my knee was gone and I still have a scar from the incident.

That sucks. Reminds me of when I got a roadrash on the side of my face when I used my brother's skates which were way too big for me to go down the hill on my driveway. One of them fell off so I'm going down a hill on one skate and the I lost my balance and my face went into the asphalt. Luckily there isn't a scar or anything. The only thing is that whenever my face gets flushed even when it is from being hot, that side of my face is more red than the other. It is either thinner or more sensitive.

Real men don't put seats on rope swings hanging over water.
I'm not a real man

I play on those all the time. The one time I got hurt was when i did a backflip off it into the water

I'm not a real man
No stuff, Sherlock :D

One time there was this moth in my front room and my bro's bike was near the wall and my bro climbed onto it, got a tennis racket and tried to kill the moth(he hates moths), then the bike fell and he fell and he broke/fractured his arm.

Oh wow, a moth broke his arm. XD

I jumped off a field goal post onto a mat once.  It hurt because it hurts when fat people fall down.

I jumped off a field goal post onto a mat once.  It hurt because it hurts when fat people fall down.
[/Paul Blart: Mall Cop's Humor]

I was climbing an old tree, short story is I stepped on a dead branch 15-20 feet off the ground and plummeted to the earth, my back was tweaked a bit for most of that summer, nothing too serious. A year later I went back to that spot and climbed to where to branch once stood. Xoax: 1        Tree: 0

I landed on my forehead at the pool when I was running,then I got up cried and after 1 night it was over o_o