Author Topic: New map: Living Room/Kitchen/Dining Room *Update 2-22-09*  (Read 31118 times)

Needs better lighting, and the counter does look like wooden crates, but overall it's pretty good.

P.S. add some food to the counter/table (mabey some cookies  :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:)

I'd like to see some more texture variation but otherwise nice.

stuff man!  that's delicious !

Good call on the counter texture idea.
in that picture it looks like you made the fridge with print bricks

EDIT: @Riot: Why do you still have that christmas hat on?
« Last Edit: February 16, 2009, 02:21:12 PM by CrazyGoodDude »

Looks awesome, seems awesome, IS awesome! Nice job Nieb.

Any secrets nooks i can hide my super secret clubhouses in?

Are you using my TV idea? :D

Not sure a TV would fit anywhere.  Suppose it's more of a sitting room than a living room.

I have to work all week, but I'll try to release an update this coming weekend!
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 01:47:25 PM by Nieb »

This is really good Neib! For some reason it reminds me of the good ol' vanilla Blockland days. We definitely need more interior maps like this.

Improve the lighting, and you'd have a pretty good map here! It's always good to have a quality interior map maker around, it's seemingly getting rarer and rarer as time goes by.

awesome! all it needs is better lighting and more textures

make a secret area like in the couch :P

That map looks so big, I'm afraid if I go to it my computer will asplode.

Also, great, 9.5/10!