Author Topic: Garry's Mod Gallery  (Read 1299498 times)


cut me some slack those are hard models to pose

Get more maps? And why in the last one is that thing holding the Desert Eagle more to the left?

Get more maps?
point me to some somewhat quality gmod maps
spoiler they don't exist

And why in the last one is that thing holding the Desert Eagle more to the left?


Its actually a wad of cash, but the low resolution makes it look like a frozen drink.

point me to some somewhat quality gmod maps
spoiler they don't exist
You're not searching enough[order]=downloads&vl[sort]=desc&vl[filters][release]=all&vl[filters][age]=all&vl[filters][rating]=all[order]=rating&vl[sort]=desc&vl[filters][release]=all&vl[filters][age]=all&vl[filters][rating]=all
« Last Edit: October 06, 2012, 07:23:50 PM by Masterlegodude »

You're not searching enough

Those are nice and all, but for the most part they're larger, more un-detailed maps. I'd really love some that are pretty small and very well detailed for some poses. RP maps don't quite cut it.

And now for something handicapped.

Here are some made by me.
I made these a while back but never decided to post them.
Some are older and they are worse than the newer ones. I think you can tell the difference...

The teams chilling after they fight all the robots away.

This is the "Athletic Scout" Which is my current avatar on Steam.

This is the "Athletic Scout" fighting off a horde of zombies

Just basically old-school fighting

Dat zombie thinks he's so lovey...

Another zombie survival with the Engineer

Left-4-Team 2 - Dead Mill

Another Left-4-Team 2 - MannSurvival (I actually never finished this one)

Lumberjack Heavy knows he's being followed by you-know-who...

(If you don't know, it's Slenderman)

Now this one...I have NO clue what to say...It was completely random.

Good ol' Gift-Givin'-Sniper!

(I was gonna save this until Christmas, but...what the hell?)

This Spy has found out about Angry Birds...

Spychael Jackson! :D

Scout has swag...


Teamwork never dies.

And here are some random pictures I did on Blockland if you're interested to look...

He's behind me...isn't he?

The mist creeps upon those who don't believe in...Him...

Those last two aren't Gmod...

Those last two aren't Gmod...
Yeah but it's my Beta Player..

Another zombie survival with the Engineer

Extremely rapid fire pistols.