Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4144142 times)

« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 09:58:05 AM by FrozenCitruS »

Who will be king of 2000?

Who will be king of 2000?

I got a crazy idea.

How about you only post models on page 2000? I think we somehow did it on 1000.
So this isn't just a filler post here's something I did yesterday.

Haven't actually made the texture I just got lazy and lined up the unwrap with the original shoulder armour texture and it turned out alright, I'll finish it later though.

Coming soon to a page 2000 near you

man close to page 2000

Yep, I am gonna try my best :D

blockland now for windows 2000

Revenge of the thousands.