Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3912951 times)

Sign up with turbo squid. Upload the model (preferably 3DS format) and some pictures, place a price, then wait.

do i need paypal? ^^ if not maybe il get me css :O

I've just been mucking around with mirros and transparency lately, this is a mirror shield tyle object with some red icospheres and transparent light blue cubes infront of it. (and a ground underneath it to create shadows and the lack of light on the ground further infront of it adds some variation to the colour on the shield). There is also a little traingle cut into the mirror.

This is my Model, well. Its lots of models put togeter. The lighting was the hardest part.

This is my Model, well. Its lots of models put togeter. The lighting was the hardest part.

Very nice, would look good in many games. :D

This is my Model, well. Its lots of models put togeter. The lighting was the hardest part.

By the way you spell and type that's hard to believe.

This is my Model, well. Its lots of models put togeter. The lighting was the hardest part.

* Packer raises an eyebrow.
Different angle of a render or it didn't happen.

Different angle of a render or it didn't happen.

If your saying what I think. Here.

Different angle and higher depth for transparent objects. The higher depth allows light to reflect and intersect more. So the cystal cups do not fade into white.


use ambient occulision :D it'll look even more realistic

Make a sign that says "Hey Blockland" right next to it, and I'll believe.

Make a sign that says "Hey Blockland" right next to it, and I'll believe.
And I'll say it's photoshopped.

A render inside the bottle.

Make a sign that says "Hey Blockland" right next to it, and I'll believe.
And I'll say it's photoshopped.
I understand your suspicion. This is my proof of owner ship.


use ambient occulision :D it'll look even more realistic

Ambient Occulision, *shudders* in that area I fail.
A render inside the bottle.

« Last Edit: June 07, 2009, 05:06:03 PM by Choneis »

:D Now I notice it's the render that makes it look good

Bottle one is very nice!

:D Now I notice it's the render that makes it look good
Most of those style renders are just the render making it look pretty.