Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4352578 times)

i just learned something amazing today regarding optimization on 3d models thanks to badspot.

i was messing with the hammer model and i had to go back and edge split everything because i accidentally removed all the doubles and doing the extra work doesnt bother me

so i go to select this part and i notice these quadratic figures aren't split into two triangles

upon further inspection its actually a cone inside

thats 8 less faces. i'm gonna start doing this now

............................w ow. now that's optimization


i was going to loving do that you forgeter forget you forget
but you probably did it way better than i could ever do it

anyways i just finished boning the model properly and im gonna do my scary ass animation now. wish me luck

Trogtor, that's some magic there.

i was going to loving do that you forgeter forget you forget
but you probably did it way better than i could ever do it

anyways i just finished boning the model properly and im gonna do my scary ass animation now. wish me luck
g o o d luck

anyways i just finished boning the model properly and im gonna do my scary ass animation now. wish me luck
break a leg

break a leg
he just finished boning it, why would he break it again

if conan can bone it properly i can animate everything

and if its possible, see if you can make each body part the color of the player

if conan can bone it properly i can animate everything

and if its possible, see if you can make each body part the color of the player
its already done i could pass you the file but i must finish this animation first
protip: bone in 2.77, save as legacy mesh, import to 2.49b and only animate there

its probably a stretch to make the body parts player colored though i dont get how that works so yeah. my understanding is the shape itself has to have a specific name, but im not sure.

he just finished boning it, why would he break it again

its already done i could pass you the file but i must finish this animation first
protip: bone in 2.77, save as legacy mesh, import to 2.49b and only animate there

its probably a stretch to make the body parts player colored though i dont get how that works so yeah. my understanding is the shape itself has to have a specific name, but im not sure.
is it possible for you to be able to  "look" into an older playermodel that have colored playerparts

ok i guess i can do that

on another note: jesus forget this is too hard i can't make this 2x player scale if i want to do this animation

i'm gonna do it like 1.5x or smaller i guess.

its already done i could pass you the file but i must finish this animation first
protip: bone in 2.77, save as legacy mesh, import to 2.49b and only animate there

you finally made it TAG, nice!