Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4370812 times)

How do you only bevel one face in blender?

You have to do it manually, the bevel option does the whole object. You could try detaching the face you want to bevel then bevel it seperatly then reconnect it.

You have to do it manually, the bevel option does the whole object. You could try detaching the face you want to bevel then bevel it seperatly then reconnect it.
Lol what? It only bevels the faces or edges you have selected. Idk what bevel tool you're using.

I was using the bevel modifier. That's the only one I know about. :o

Removed in 2.5 for some reason.
There is an add-on you can enable/download in 2.5 for Bevels Download one of these builds, these aren't "official" releases but they're the latest SVN's should include the Bevel Add-on.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 07:19:43 PM by Khepri »

Wind Gun: (didn't have a better name)

why is it so far from the head