Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4315910 times)

I believe you're right, I still gotta give him arms and legs...

I believe you're right, I still gotta give him arms and legs...

I seriously hope you make a modded version that is grimlock

beautiful :-)

Gosh, could you please loving snip next time, or change the image width

it's actually sledge's shotgun lol
the only thing is that there's no stock
But sledges doesnt have the revolving clip its just a normal double barrel.

Gosh, could you please loving snip next time, or change the image width
no because its a page loss.

But sledges doesnt have the revolving clip its just a normal double barrel.
there's a thing that spins, I assumed it was the "revolver chamber".

From what I remember how Sledges Shotgun worked was that you insert 2 shells, after a shot it flips around for the other shell so it can be shot.

because no one else is I'm applauding LeetZero's bricks. they look oh so lovey.

From what I remember how Sledges Shotgun worked was that you insert 2 shells, after a shot it flips around for the other shell so it can be shot.
Yes, it's that way. It's also the way I'm animating it.

Animation of my Ballista using Darkstar's rig.
Hehe, that is nice.
I hate to ask it, but is this going to be something for an add-on (except for the animation of course) or is it just for animations and stuff?

I was bored today, result:

I was bored today, result:

I like them a lot! I love the style!

I was bored today, result:

jakeblade, man, those are awesome. the style youve adopted is very fitting with blockland - short handles are the best bet for any blockland weapon. i hate to see when people make realistically sized weapons and try to scale them to fit the player, which is usually an unsettling look.