Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3904368 times)

So um it has a lever system, a bolt system, all of which are for manual fire weapons and then it has three fire modes lol like wtf is that even

What even is that nonsense around his neck?

Most of this topology is extremely clean however, kudos to you on that at least.

What even is that nonsense around his neck?

Most of this topology is extremely clean however, kudos to you on that at least.

Clothing, I sculpted it in zbrush and just zremeshed it.

Clothing, I sculpted it in zbrush and just zremeshed it.
I was not aware that clothing flows into your skin with no seam whatsoever...

Idk, it might be a lack of textures/color making it difficult for to tell what's clothing and what's not, maybe doodle it in with photoshop or something?

its like a hoodie kinda thing

Are you serious?
1. It's way way too high poly.
2. It's not even to scale with a blockhead.
Reasons why it needs reworking:
1. The lever and trigger are awkward and tiny.
2. Bolt is way too far ahead of the drum mag
3. Safety is in the middle of the gun
4. Stock is completely flat on the top, no variation whatsoever.
egnnn. hgh..

did you just combine random gun parts and stuck them onto one whole gun
oh jesus christ wtf
So um it has a lever system, a bolt system, all of which are for manual fire weapons and then it has three fire modes lol like wtf is that even
jesus christ your heads
i didn't expect it to be taken this far

Well we all have to start somewhere, not every first model is going to be spectacular.

Well we all have to start somewhere, not every first model is going to be spectacular.
that wasn't his first model...

You know, lolz never said it was for Blockland... I sincerely hope it isn't. It looks alright, but I think you need to work on design before modelling it, like they do with weapons for real games.
The gun has an unique design but lacks practicality, It's not well executed as it should and that's why you guys think it looks bad, maybe more cartoony elements such as a growing barrel? idk i love this gun but yeah it could work better

Trigger guard is way too small, stock doesn't make any kind of hand grip. Angle is too shallow.

Better-ish, but still way disproportionate and the level of detail is extremely inconsistent. Trigger/guard makes no sense at all. Mag is way too big. Stock would be impossible to hold.

that wasn't his first model...
well first attempt at hi-poly modeling then.