Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3906222 times)

can someone please explain how to bind textures to a model in blender, I'm trying to port this motherforgeter to VrChat
[img ][/img]

but all of the textures aren't applied on him so I have to do it manually
You probably have to add the materials to the mesh, name them after their textures, then go into edit mode with the mesh selected, and apply the materials to a selection of faces

If you want to see how the textures look on the model, you'll have to drag in a new viewport and change it to the UV/image editor, select the faces you want to set the texture on, and then use the UV/image editor to open and select the image file to use as the texture, then you can change the shading of the 3D viewport to 'textured' to see the textures as they would appear on the model

ty masterlegodude, I got most of the textures working, a few glitches need sorting out but so far looking good!

just need to fix the eyes and rig this bad boy up and we're golden bois

amazing model, cool if I use it as a fursona?

please release that as an unrigged playertype

fully fledged xavier roleplays coming soon

fully fledged xavier roleplays coming soon
so thats where thats from


excellent as always Rally