Author Topic: The Development of Age of Time...  (Read 34075 times)

Woah, were you guys actually having a relationship?

Not a real one....that would be stupid.

I have just been  :panda: ing up all week with girls and i'm getting tired of it so im just going to chill on that front for awhile....maybe pick up smoking again.......

If this is a plee for sympathy, go die.

If it isn't, ouch. Well I have an orthodontist appt. soon... so that's bad...

Oh, and I might have gym instead of gifted as an elective next year because I turned the gifted waiver in late :/. F*ck Mrs. Haley...

So uhh... that's bad.

What?! Pred isn't my Pred...
Snakey is my Snakey. T.T

I just makes jokes that would seem like he is my Pred.. >.<

I love Snakey-wakey. ^_^

That cracked me up.

Yeah that image was actually prettay funnay.

If this is a plee for sympathy, go die.

If it isn't, ouch. Well I have an orthodontist appt. soon... so that's bad...

Oh, and I might have gym instead of gifted as an elective next year because I turned the gifted waiver in late :/. F*ck Mrs. Haley...

So uhh... that's bad.

You  :panda: ing asked me a question and I answered it asshat, shut the  :panda: up.

And i perfer these pics >.>

Hm..for some strange reason I think snake is in a bad mood >.>

You hear that?



I could say a lot about what the guy in this pic's doing, and it would really piss Snake off, but I won't...

I'm not that cruel.

Ten bonus points if you figure out what I mean, though...

Lol! yes I know (I'm just joking snake >.>)

Me too. In a way...

Don't slit your wrists or nothing...

I could say a lot about what the guy in this pic's doing, and it would really piss Snake off, but I won't...

I'm not that cruel.

Ten bonus points if you figure out what I mean, though...

To tell you the truth I dont give a  :iceCream: , do whatever you want.