Author Topic: Remote Bomb  (Read 572 times)

I don't know if there is currently one but if not, someone should make a new one.  The one we had in V8 was pretty fun to play with and was great in DMs

Do you mean the "Guided Missile" Add-on from V8, that you fired, flew around, and then hit people with?
It looked good when I saw a vid of it, But I heard it causes lag.
As for reviving it, that might be fun, but could cause even more lag. Maybe this could be a Laser Guided Rocket Launcher, like the one in the Half-Life series. That would be cool too.

No, he means what he said: a remote bomb. At a command from the owner, a bomb that he placed detonates.

Yeah, this was fun.

*starts working on a model*

omg i loved that. i would use it at the USSR fort wars. me and Josh Baily would go to the guy next to ours base and toss a bomb in then blow it up when he walked in. i loved it. seriosly, someone need to remake that, or at least port it