
Are you for marijuana legalization?

For it
52 (34.7%)
Against it
65 (43.3%)
33 (22%)

Total Members Voted: 4

Author Topic: Marijuana Legalization  (Read 9305 times)

Legalize it in regulated facilities. That way you could be a prostitute, but be safe. Another benefit is that the client comes to you.

Legalize it in regulated facilities. That way you could be a prostitute, but be safe. Another benefit is that the client comes to you.

like a supermarket.

No, like picking dodgeball teams. You have a line up.

oh that sounds good.
but that wouldnt necessarily mean that they would be 'safe'
cause people with aids could come and buy you, and since youre up for sale, you have to take them on it, whether you like it or not.

They have the right to not be in the line up and they HAVE to use protection. I am not saying what could be. I am saying what is working right now in the one place in America that does have legalized prostitution.

oh, well then.
id go for it.

edit: actually no i wouldnt, cause its insanely expensive.

still really expensive

thats cool, too bad none of us are loveually attracted to black hookers.

Maybe I am. But maybe I AM A BLACK HOOKER!!

I have facepalmed so many times in this thread that I lost count.

First of all, all the 12 year olds who have no opinion other than what anti-drug commercials, shut up. You need to find the facts and be smart before you believe everything you hear.

Second of all, I can't stand stupid pot heads who constantly talk about the government and all the brain washing. Face it, there are in fact good people in the world and the entire government is not out to get you although I will allow that there are occasionally bad government officials. It is not all a big ploy to make you stupid with tv. You are already doing an excellent job with pot.

Third of all, personally it probably should be legalized, it does waste many tax dollars. Anyway, once its legalized people won't think its so cool anymore. Because people always think that something against the rules is cool.

Fourth of all, I will not be taking it even if legalized, I have already seen it ruin my sister's life. All she does is sleep all day when she is not on pot. Her friends ditch her if she involved a minute without the stuff. And she overall pisses me off, because her life is a waste of space and does not contribute anything to society. I constantly am appalled that she doesn't realize her friends don't give a stuff about her. At one point her friend totaled her car. She wasn't wearing a belt and broke bones. Her friend was fine, and within an hour had friends pick her up to go smoke pot while my sister went to the hospital. She dropped out of school, doesn't give a stuff about anybody. Doesn't learn from mistakes. And when she is not on pot she is a total bitch complaining that its not her fault, she needs pot to be nice. She has nothing to do, she has no one to talk to. Because she dropped out of school, because she did pot and couldn't focus on school because it was so worth being really hungry for awhile.

Fifth of all, if you smoke weed it is probably because it feels good, which you want to feel good because the rest of the day you are depressed all the time because the world has no point. I suggest you spend around 3 hours outside a day. Sun gives you this vitamin that makes you be happy and not depressed. Maybe go exercise. Or hey, an even better way to feel the world has meaning, go to church! Maybe you'll find some good friends.

Sixth of all, this may be small point, but that abovetheignorance's graph was total bullstuff. Anyone who believed it when it said there are no weed related deaths obviously believes everything they see because they can't think for themselves.

Your sister's an idiot, that's as simple as it gets. Don't blame the drug for your sister's behaviour.

And the graph isn't bullstuff, you're just interpreting it wrong. It doesn't include people who, for instance, get high then go drive and crash their car. What it is saying is that there's no deaths from overdoses, or from diseases gotten from taking it (such as cancer).

Your sister's an idiot, that's as simple as it gets. Don't blame the drug for your sister's behaviour.

And the graph isn't bullstuff, you're just interpreting it wrong. It doesn't include people who, for instance, get high then go drive and crash their car. What it is saying is that there's no deaths from overdoses, or from diseases gotten from taking it (such as cancer).
That and for some reason he has to point out that his sister dropped out of school and smokes pot several times in that long-assed sentence he thinks is a complete paragraph. As if we would forget a couple words after he said it. Whait, what was I saying again? Oooh a shiny quarter! :D

he can't win, don't jizz yourself