Author Topic: Star Trek Review  (Read 5061 times)

Star Trek Review

Yes! I gave this movie a full five stars. Consider me biased as a nerd of my standards, but as films go, I've seen a lot of bad movies, so I can fully say that in a sea of bad films being made today, this one shines as a gem of hope for better motion picture entertainment. Now if Terminator lives up to it's expectations, I might be willing to believe in Hollywood again to take my mind off of things. I mean after all, movies became a great escape during the 20's and 30's and seeing as the economy is similar to those times, this is probably a good thing.

On to the review...

Wow. Just wow. There isn't much bad I can say about this new movie. J.J. Abrams outdid himself with a great reboot to the series with this new movie simply titled: Star Trek. The film isn't shaky and confusing like Cloverfield, and won't have you LOST with the plot (by the third season :D) like some of his other works.

Although this movie is the tenth of its kind, the story is set before the television series that first made it famous in 1966.

James T. Kirk is seen for the first time as a young man, and his misadventures involved in becoming the captain he's known for today. However, it throws in it's own little twists.

I won't spoil anything for you. I promise.

What's great about this movie is the humor. It captures the true essence of what Star Trek used to be, and that was the great characters. From Bones' catch phrase: "God damned" to Scottie's: "She can't take much more of this captain, I'm given it all she's got" the whole movie just makes you laugh, but in the way it's supposed to. All of the iconic aspects of a good Star Trek movie are there, but also just the aspects of a good movie. The story is well done and you don't have to be a Treky just to get it.

The only down side I can see to this movie was it was amazing, but it wasn't a movie that made me stand up and cheer. Leonard Nimoy himself said he cried during some scenes, reminiscing of the good times had on the Star Trek set as well as with friend DeForest Kelley (played Dr. "Bones" McCoy) who died in 1999. I myself, as a long time Star Trek fan, expected that the same sense of nostalgia would possible bring perhaps a tear to my eye. I may not have been born in 1966, but Star Trek was my childhood too, sadly, the movie didn't do it for me. Other than the fact it doesn't make you cry, this was defiantly a great film and I would advise anyone, fan of the series or not, to go see it.

All in all, it was an amazing reboot in the franchise and I plan on seeing any of the sequels it may spur, as well as what I was hoping a new TV series. I think seeing Star Trek on TV again, with the original crew just played by younger actors, would be awesome.

And with this, I end my review of Star Trek saying:

It was better than Nemesis. That's all it had to accomplish to be good. :D   


  • Administrator
Try again people.

I saw it the earlier today. Good movie.

I saw it yesterday, better than Star Wars.

I love the fact how the old Spock from the Original Series is in it. :D

I yet have to see it.

I saw it in IMAX. First showing in America. It was amazing.

Gotta see this.

Maybe this weekend.. but I don't really have money.
Might have to wait till next week, but my friends also saw this and said it was great.

I wanna know what Badspot thinks of this movie. Not because he is Badspot, but because of his avatar.

I wanna know what Badspot thinks of this movie. Not because he is Badspot, but because of his avatar.
Why because of his avatar?

Why because of his avatar?
because its from star trek?

i had a good laugh when Chekov had to repeat himself to the computer because it couldn't understand him.