
Should I release the bug mod:

Now and fix the problems later
Fix all the problems and then release

Author Topic: Bug zombies mod  (Read 133229 times)

When will the bugs of the first bug mod be paintable?

When will the bugs of the first bug mod be paintable?

Oh yes, I completely forgot about that. I need a scripters  help with that. I'm hopping AGlassOfMilk will help me. :P

may i please be a beta tester :3 i <3 the fist bug mod, and have done so many things (i was once able to mess up bedroom b/c of too many spiders. it made the entire map crazy ._.) with it, and would love to be a beta tester :3 unfortunately, the only thing i CAN do is provide ideas, and inform of any glitches. (parents dun allow doing the port thingy to host and i dunno how to make models or scripts. XD sorry, I've only had full for few weeks :P)

How about a Butterfly?
The butterfly would be like the moth, but maybe you can add a special brick that is a flower, and the butterfly would be attracted to that instead of light. In fact, maybe you can make special bricks that attract other bugs, like a honey brick attracting bees and ants, food bricks attracting ants, ect.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 08:39:36 PM by Blockdude »

This will eventually be totally independent  from any mods.
Sweet. Then it could probably work with any player type, sweet!
« Last Edit: August 31, 2009, 11:58:14 AM by Blockdude »

Moth could be with Bug Mod 2, part 2?

I have 2 more ideas. A fly, Super annoying, dosen't hurt you, the size of a zombie bug, makes a annoying buzzing sound, and buzzes around player's heads, and a firefly, like a fly, except it can hurt you with a fire attack. And maybe a special item could be water-related and immedietly kill a fire ant or a firefly.

may i please be a beta tester :3 i <3 the fist bug mod, and have done so many things (i was once able to mess up bedroom b/c of too many spiders. it made the entire map crazy ._.) with it, and would love to be a beta tester :3 unfortunately, the only thing i CAN do is provide ideas, and inform of any glitches. (parents dun allow doing the port thingy to host and i dunno how to make models or scripts. XD sorry, I've only had full for few weeks :P)
I want to be a beta tester too, but like him, i can't host and parents don't allow me to make servers. But i've been playing longer, and i can give ideas and inform of glitches too.

I think the praying mantis attack should be its arm claw things flying out and hitting you. They should also be able to pull you in and SQUIIIIIIIIISH!

I think the praying mantis attack should be its arm claw things flying out and hitting you. They should also be able to pull you in and SQUIIIIIIIIISH!


may i please be a beta tester :3 i <3 the fist bug mod, and have done so many things (i was once able to mess up bedroom b/c of too many spiders. it made the entire map crazy ._.) with it, and would love to be a beta tester :3 unfortunately, the only thing i CAN do is provide ideas, and inform of any glitches. (parents dun allow doing the port thingy to host and i dunno how to make models or scripts. XD sorry, I've only had full for few weeks :P)
I want to be a beta tester too, but like him, i can't host and parents don't allow me to make servers. But i've been playing longer, and i can give ideas and inform of glitches too.

You may be able to later, but no new beta testers will be chosen until scripting for Mod2 starts, and that happens once Mod1 is more stable.


Ok, i guess later then

ok, you'll probably get in. ;D

More OnTopic: One thing that most people don't seem to notice is that the bugs don't have falling damage. This HAS to be fixed. I tried messing around in the scripts but nothing seemed to work. :(
It just drives me nuts how I can't kill punny little bugs by throwing them at a wall with the Grav. Gun.

 One thing that most people don't seem to notice is that the bugs don't have falling damage. This HAS to be fixed. I tried messing around in the scripts but nothing seemed to work. :(
It just drives me nuts how I can't kill punny little bugs by throwing them at a wall with the Grav. Gun.

lol, didn't noticed that bug....
Oh crap, a bug in bug mod.. >_>

Anyway, have you found out about the other one (the one with missing Lhand error in console and such)?
Or have you fixed that allready..

lol, didn't noticed that bug....
Oh crap, a bug in bug mod.. >_>

Anyway, have you found out about the other one (the one with missing Lhand error in console and such)?
Or have you fixed that allready..

I'm working on that one too. :)

After I fix these two bugs I'll update the Mod for you guys. :3