Author Topic: What would you do if...  (Read 96403 times)

Here is how you play, state something such as "What would you do if you saw two men come out of the same stall in a bathroom?", And the next person says "I would call them gay. What would you do if You saw a bird fly overhead with a sword in it's mouth?", and on and on.

What would do if your best friend took the last copy of your favorite video game at the store?

I would ask him if I could borrow it for an undisclosed period of time.

What would you do if you were being stalked?

I would run for my life.

What would you do if you came home and your parents turned into chodes?
Sorry, had to drag that /b/ meme in here. Though of it as soon as I saw the topic XP

I would run for my life.

What would you do if you came home and your parents turned into chodes?
Sorry, had to drag that /b/ meme in here. Though of it as soon as I saw the topic XP
I would run.

What would you do if you had a cloning machine and alot of homework?

i would clone myself, put my clone to do the homework and i go play on duh computzor

dude, you didn't post a what would you do if question.

what would you do if raptors took over your house, built a giant loving nuclear warhead in your basement and held your girlfriend hostage

dude, you didn't post a what would you do if question.

what would you do if raptors took over your house, built a giant loving nuclear warhead in your basement and held your girlfriend hostage

Ask if I could use the bathroom.

What would you do If Badspot became a troll?

I would.. uh... form an elite team of Blockland hackers to take Blockalnd Forums back? Or I would tell somebody else too.

What would you do if one day you had no balls?

I'd cry :(

What would you do if you woke up one morning to find yourself in an alternate universe, where the air was made of thick Febreeze cherry scent, the water is made of ice cold root beer, books fly about as birds, and that your bed was bolted to the ceiling?

i'd try to read a bird

what would you do if you were a god?

What would do if your best friend took the last copy of your favorite video game at the store?

I did that once, after school my friend (I dont have BF's) and I were gonna get CoD4, and I happened to go to the same store (Game Stop) right before him.


I would delete myself as I would be unnecissary,

What would you do if BL was just suddenly canceled (as in the master server)
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 12:14:46 AM by Zenthos »

I would use haxx to make my own masterserver

What would you do if you suddenly became a bum?

I'd get change for beer.

What would you do if your house exploded?

I'd be sad.

What would you do if If i had 1 billion $

I'd blow it on pot.

What would you do if your favorite female in the world had love with you.