Author Topic: What the **** is this ****?  (Read 3129 times)

Or what about Blueteamguy?
Was gonna say that.

He realy didn't get it, did he?

Silly, I got permabanned some time back for hobnobbery.

oh, i jst love how you epople read someones registration date and take it as the instant they first viewed the forums.

Silly, I got permabanned some time back for hobnobbery.
case in point.

**** ******* **** **** IN HIS ****** **** ****

**** ******* **** **** IN HIS ****** **** ****

Wheres that translator I wanted again?

Oh stuff he said ****!

Anyways, so i was like..

Holy ****! Why the **** did you **** do that **** **** Now look at my **** its all crooked.