
is minecraft dead

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Author Topic: Minecraft Megathread; yeah its update 1.12 big whoop what about it  (Read 5945552 times)

(probably should've cropped out the signs to make it look more like a face ;-;)

(probably should've cropped out the signs to make it look more like a face ;-;)

God damn it Flame. Anyway, as I said, I doubt he'll go through with it. He wants it to stay a doorway, but I can tell he won't make it smaller because that would need less blocks. The last design would be a pain in the ass since you're making diagonals with obsidian, so one forget up and you're pissed.

Code: [Select]
summon FallingSand ~0 ~0 ~0 {Riding:{id:"Bat",PersistenceRequired:1,Invulnerable:1},TileID:145,Time:1000,DropItem:0}
Anvil riding a bat. Interesting.


Dinnerbone needs to join the party.
I was thinking of the same when i saw his tweet about those portals.

I've been making these for like the past hour

idk why

I've been making these for like the past hour

idk why
Good man

Portals can be lit if fire appears anywhere within the portal area, not just the bottom block. It can start from the center.

Quote from: https://twitter.com/JesseMcN/status/377813794321211392
@Dinnerbone Are there shape, ratio, or size restrictions?
Quote from: https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/377814288234446848
@JesseMcN Rectangular, no, anywhere from 4x5 to 23x23
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 01:57:12 AM by MegaScientifical »

Jeb is adding a /setblock command that allows you to add, remove, and replace blocks at a certain position

Jeb is adding a /setblock command that allows you to add, remove, and replace blocks at a certain position

Cite your sources, because he hasn't tweeted it. I assume it's on Reddit somewhere, in which case I'll never find it because the search function acts like it's broken when I try. Maybe someone just needs to teach me whatever crazy format it uses.

Edit: Found it via news post link: http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1m445m/using_summon_to_replace_blocks_seems_inconsistent/cc5nrrg Now I'm sad because... Well, the whole point of FallingSand trick was it made something possible through existing mechanics, supplemented with new features that didn't directly involve it. AKA you could make the game do something it wasn't intending, just easier. Now everyone is going to be using that... D:
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 02:06:52 AM by MegaScientifical »

Quote from: https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/378070921917239296
Can't figure out an easy way to store structure data (strongholds etc). Guess I have to do it the hard way =(

Well, he's trying to make structures save to files instead of being free floating dependent on game version. (Currently, while the game generates structures, any specifics to their location such as spawn areas is determined solely by the game. This means if structure generation changes, the structure itself will still be there, but any game-controlled variable will shift or disappear depending on the new generation.)

Edit: I just realized what might be the problem: He is probably trying to find a way to save structure data in the current save format, so worlds will still be backwards compatible, but he can't figure out simple way to do it. He might have to make a new version of the world format to support it. Again, my assumption, and I could be completely wrong.

Quote from: https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/378147730365116417
The command for that was: /give Dinnerbone record_11 1 0 {display:{Name:"Sound of Awesome",Lore:["Totally."]}} - nothing too special :)
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 09:36:55 AM by MegaScientifical »

New Snapshot: https://mojang.com/2013/09/minecraft-snapshot-13w37a/

/setblock command to set blocks at a location, since Jeb doesn't want people relying on FallingSand. He doesn't expect to change it that would break replacing blocks, but if he ever does want to, he doesn't want people complaining.


Edit2: http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1m8xcj/minecraft_snapshot_13w37a/


« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 12:04:26 PM by MegaScientifical »

I made my own Mega-Portal via the design in docm's video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkIotMkFrXY

This is a 23x23x23 block of Nether Portals. The increased area of the portal has a much higher spawn rate for zombie pigmen. Note that all 23 portals in the block are active. There is a bug with Nether Portal directly adjacent to each other which causes them to become invisible, which is why you only see the particles.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 12:33:07 AM by MegaScientifical »