Author Topic: Why is it your concern tactic gamer  (Read 1775 times)

tactic gamer if i want to believe in god then that is my choice and it is not something for you to worry about. nor should you care if you dont even believe in him. and one more thing, will you please stop harrassing me at every server i go to that you are in about what i should believe in and why i shouldnt believe in anything else because seriously tactic i dont care. if i want to believe in god then i will believe in him. so stop attempting to change my mind because my decision is made.

There's this thing called being over religious. I'm Catholic, but I don't go around spreading stuff about Jesus and God and whatnot. Also, he isn't harassing you about what you should believe, it's about not believing so damned much that you spread it on a loving online game.
Posted in his topic about you.

Another religion topic.

Religion topics are GAY. Get out. They always start religion wars.
Please, go away now.

Religious topics need to get out now.

No lock option...
Once the flame comes...
You're forgeted...

No lock option...
Once the flame comes...
You're forgeted...

Yes, because once your flamed on the forums. You die in real life.

Religion needs to get out now.

I don't mind the fact that people have religions, even if I bash them all the time. We don't need religious discussions on the internet.

Yes, because once your flamed on the forums. You die in real life.

If that were true you would be dead many times over.

infact tactic you are lying you do harrass me just not on the forums

infact tactic you are lying you do harrass me just not on the forums
Have you even been paying attention to us at all?

Im polytheistic i believe in the greek gods

Religion topics are GAY. Get out. They always start religion wars.
Please, go away now.

infact tactic you are lying you do harrass me just not on the forums
And you harass and spam everyone who's not a diehard christian ingame. Just stop it. You and super puppy have been brainwashed into this. I bet you're homophobic, too.

You and Super Puppy both are God-Luving richardwads.
Get out please.

You are a loving handicap.
So your religion dipstuff pronbook says that everyone who doesn't believe in god will go into a supernova and die?