Author Topic: Lyrical G - The Forum Gangsta!  (Read 7811 times)

Right then. Allow me to fetch something...
Ok... And Btw, you're not Brown or Black. So shut up. And your "GF" is a fake. cigarette.
According to his e-mail or hotmail account, he has Pakistani roots.

Exactly, he's a light sepia color

He's a Terrorist! Quick, get Bush back in office so we can go kill him! In America!

Over use of special characters makes you look like an idiot. Or one of those people that plays counter strike too much. Lol
I was playing with my DSi.

Seeing if my PC would render the "letters"

bump, because he's back.

bump, because he's back.


Just when you think an idiot is gone forever, they show up again.


Just when you think an idiot is gone forever, they show up again.

No, No he won't understand that. Wait let me try, Yo yo Lyrical G my boi, if u dnt stop posting stupid sh!t like a btch ima merk ur ass.

This topic is really showing the inner-tribal in every single one of you and it pisses me off

Black people don't talk like that, shut the hell up.
Oh wait, I forgot, over half the population of this forum are closet nerds that live in some upper state and have never seen a real black person in their life.

This topic is really showing the inner-tribal in every single one of you and it pisses me off

Black people don't talk like that, shut the hell up.
Oh wait, I forgot, over half the population of this forum are closet nerds that live in some upper state and have never seen a real black person in their life.
I've met several and I am one.

His avatar is kind of cute.  I bet he googled that, I remember when I did and thought I was cool.

I've met several.

The only ones I've met were always into this "yo yo yo bboy" stuff.
I've met some mature ones and you know what? You'll never guess. They can act normal and talk like a decent human!