Author Topic: Anti-virus 2009  (Read 3410 times)

What if they find my research? D:
As long as it's legal and not infected, they probably wont care. Are you that insecure?

As long as it's legal and not infected, they probably wont care. Are you that insecure?
Prolly necro incest loli furry scat stuff.

what antivirus?

Once I buy get a new computer, I should look into getting a good, fast antivirus software. :P
Net Nanny..
Bad memories.

Oops, forgot this is a web monitering program. Still had bad memories, but not related.
Ontopic: I have absolutely no idea why the antivirus would give you a virus. Did you pay for this?

Ontopic: I have absolutely no idea why the antivirus would give you a virus. Did you pay for this?
Have you read the topic?
It's a scamware 'anti-virus' that gives you a phoney virus, and tells you the only way you can get rid of it is by paying for their software. Congrats you spent $50 for nothing.

Good antivirus? Try Avast.

Avast is perfect, I got a trojan on my comp and it instantly killed it. Yay avast!

Nah, i prefer Nod32, and Mcafee, they kill Trojans instantly for me! Hurray!

What if they find my research? D:
Ever made invisible folders?

What if they find my research? D:
Ever used TrueCrypt?

Ever used TrueCrypt?

Why would you need truecrpyt if you could just use a bios password?

Anti-Virus 2009 is easy to cripple, just delete the folder in your program files and then it's gone, last time I checked.
Get out.


Virus I discovered today.

The actual virus site was just put up today. At the time, there was nothing on google.

Get out.
I can see that you've never gotten it.  I had on a computer, I just Googled, and that was all. I just restarted, and it worked.  Maybe it's been changed or something.

Also, sometimes people rely too much on anti-viruses.  I didn't even use one for a while.  I started using AVG after getting that one and realising I should have something.  I didn't have anything. 

Why would you need truecrpyt if you could just use a bios password?
Because TrueCrypt is nice.
It lets you make mountable drives which you can triple encrypt, plus add password protection.
So, if you have a family member who is computer literate, they must have a copy of TrueCrypt, find the file the drive is hidden in and guess a password.
Its the paranoid solution to security.
Oh, and you can make hidden OS'es and junk, and its all free.

In the 6 months I've had windows 7, I haven't had one virus. 

Common sense FTW

once I get a mac I am going to get some good antivi....

oh wait.
You don't seem to get that the reason why there are no mac viruses is that if you want to write a virus you want to get as many people as possible, and guess what, more people use windows.