Author Topic: Dem Kids Sure is Gettin Rowdy  (Read 23201 times)

ITT: Craziest stuff you did when you were younger

I for one pissed all over a fort my brother built out of branches and when he asked what the wet stuff was I told him I spilled a Capri Sun. I know, I'm such a trickster.

Also, when I was in preschool, I was sitting next to a girl named Caroline. I decided to itch my thigh, and poof, my left nut pops out. She's all "WHATS THAT" so I was so like "That's just my thigh. Yup, a lot of fat down there." (exact words I used too :D).


I got a red card for saying snake

I don't do much...

craziest think I can remember is when I was about 4-5 I lived in a T home, and My neighbors left their door open So I walked in and walked down the stairs and saw 2 people sitting on the couch watching TV, So I sneaked up on them and screamed "BOO!" one of them got all pissed off and chased (well more like herded) me up the stairs, I remember falling an her saying "ohh are you ok?" but I just kept going. that's all I really remember, I don't recall getting in trouble.

I also recall saying forget in front of my 4th grade teacher who made me write "I will never curse in school" 100 times during lunch and on my way out I said forget you to him, and he didn't do anything back lol

Can't remember.
But one crazy thing I still do is I climb onto my Neighbours wall, then climb onto their neighbours garage and move over to this patch outside his window (crouching) and nick all the balls on that roof or the conservatory roof. :D

If i remember some i will tell them.
Oh yeah right once when i were 6 me and my friends painted a wall with mud everywhere.
Then we had to clean it ALL up

I pissed in the yard at kindergarden...?
I'm such a rebel.

If i remember some i will tell them.
Oh yeah right once when i were 6 me and my friends painted a wall with mud everywhere.
Then we had to clean it ALL up
lol when I was in second grade I pulled up a weed dirt and all and I threw it at the door of a 5th grade room during reccess, and I said it was this kid named Charlie and he had to clean it up. kekekek

I ran around the playground at recess. Making skreetching noises and doing flips.
Then I began taking medicine :P

i pooped. then covered it with my pillow

I swallowed air for like 15 minutes then we all sat down in front of the teacher, then I burped for 10 seconds. It was loud and long, then I got sent to the "front office".

Threw a brick through our Kindergarten class room window. I think I was the first SK to get suspended.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 09:57:57 AM by Jaymz »

i pooped. then covered it with my pillow
Threw a brick through our Kindergarten class room window. I think I was the first SK to get suspended.
win :D

When I was little I kicked my teacher then said forget you. First pre-schooler to get a suspension :V

Backhand spring kick into some kids face, knocked out a tooth.

Also, bleaches a spot in the carpet.

Also, almost set my house on fire, twice.