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Author Topic: Blocko avatars New ones  (Read 2086 times)

Ok heres a topic about my avatars. gunner is my second blockhead is my first gunner 2 is my third

Feel free to use just no stealing and saying its yours
« Last Edit: June 27, 2009, 05:42:27 PM by vv45689 »

I'm guessing you made this with either Paint or EZT

paint doesnt do animations

paint doesnt do animations
Draw the frames in Paint, put them in to GIMP, save as a .gif but with animation enabled.

yes i used ezt im slowly getting better

yes i used ezt im slowly getting better
=P this is my first and most recent EZT:

I put it into GIMP and made every layer transparent. It was a bitch to do but it makes an epic MSN icon =P


Not bad for a beginner.

If you're going to use it as an avatar you should add transparency and/or colour to the Blockhead.

srry im not gonna i dont have the time or money

Here are more
im really getting ahead

srry im not gonna i dont have the time or money
That takes little to no time, and why would you need money for that?

Also, from what I've seen of you, you're an idiot.
Just throwing that out there.

really i take no offence to anything you guys say
« Last Edit: June 27, 2009, 08:30:35 PM by vv45689 »