Author Topic: GSF Add-Ons [Carrier's Out!]  (Read 256900 times)

Only the fishing boat gives me the error.

Every boat gives me a missing debris error.

Every. Damn. One of them.
Fix it by copying the vehicle's dts and renaming it. For the time being.

Sweet XD have a cookie  :cookie:

its not the add-ons that are broken..ITS THE gave me a debris error for the Shotgun when starting a server in Paradise and then after removing shotgun it gave me a debris error for the BOATS
EDIT: im stupid...i unchecked the boats and loaded fine...:( i wanted to go boating
« Last Edit: June 29, 2009, 09:12:58 PM by Siba »

They look pretty cool. I like 'em.


edit I want the Sail Boat D:
« Last Edit: June 29, 2009, 09:35:04 PM by Flying Ace »

you need the jet ski and the military boat

isnt a trawler a fishing boat?
i like the way it loads, like a postcard
« Last Edit: June 29, 2009, 09:52:25 PM by dumdum566 »

you need the jet ski and the military boat
Tell me now.


Awesome job! looking forward to the sea plane!

GSF the sailboat is supposed to be fixed but i still get a DAMN ERROR ON STARTUP FOR IT D:

Connection error: DebrisData::load: Couldn't load shape "Add-Ons/Vehicle_GSF_SailBoat/gsfsailboatpole.dts".

datablock DebrisData(SailBoatTireDebris)
   emitters = "jeepTireDebrisTrailEmitter"; <<< maybe here?

   shapeFile = "./gsfsailboatpole.dts";
   lifetime = 2.0;
   minSpinSpeed = -400.0;
   maxSpinSpeed = 200.0;
   elasticity = 0.5;
   friction = 0.2;
   numBounces = 3;
   staticOnMaxBounce = true;
   snapOnMaxBounce = false;
   fade = true;

   gravModifier = 2;

dont know whats wrong with this but that shape seems to be causing it
but...think maybe its that? ^^^
« Last Edit: June 29, 2009, 11:07:15 PM by Siba »

I'll fix it and the other add-ons tomorrow; I had to rush them to release on time. What's the error you are getting though?

oh wow i just realised each and every one of these boats have missing .cs's...

// support stuff for the stunt plane vehicle
exec("./biplane_TireSpring.cs"); <<< ERROR
exec("./biplane_Explosion.cs"); <<< ERROR
exec("./biplane_FinalExplosion.cs"); <<< ERROR

//we need the jeep add-on for this, so force it to load
%error = ForceRequiredAddOn("Vehicle_Jeep");

if(%error == $Error::AddOn_Disabled)
   //A bit of a hack:
   //  we just forced the jeep to load, but the user had it disabled
   //  so lets make it so they can't select it
   JeepVehicle.uiName = "";

of course there gonna have errors! silly ghost

if(%error == $Error::AddOn_NotFound)
   //we don't have the jeep, so we're screwed
   error("ERROR: Vehicle_Biplane <<< ERROR - required add-on Vehicle_Jeep not found");

you dont know much about making vehicles do you ghost ^_^
« Last Edit: June 29, 2009, 11:38:46 PM by Siba »