Author Topic: Fake GSF Ghost  (Read 4235 times)

well i was at my server and i see [GSF] Ghost join my game and five seconds later he leaves, i got pics but the chat/console dont appear in the images so i will post parts of it from my console.log

Connect request from: IP:
  net name = [GSF] Ghost
AUTHCHECK: [GSF] Ghost = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Auth Init Successfull: [GSF] Ghost
CADD: 34470 IP:
 +- bl_id = 9627
 +- no auto admin

Jaden: O.o
siba: O.O
Jaden: ...

Client 34470 disconnected.
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 34470 IP:
Posting to master server
Posting to rtb server

siba: oh god
Jaden: That was really creepy.
siba: it was an imposter

Connect request from: IP:
  net name = flaming fire
AUTHCHECK: flaming fire = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Auth Init Successfull: flaming fire
CADD: 35751 IP:
 +- bl_id = 9627
 +- no auto admin

siba: THE REAL ID ISNT A 9000

BAN issued by siba BL_ID:5012 IP:local
  +- victim name = flaming fire
  +- victim bl_id = 9627
  +- ban time = -1
  +- ban reason = GSF Ghost imposter
Issuing Disconnect packet.

another imposter caught

and for the guys that cant read console...

[GSF] Ghost connected
Jaden: O.o
siba: O.O
Jaden: ...
[GSF] Ghost has left the game
siba: oh god
Jaden: That was really creepy.
siba: it was an imposter
flaming fire connected
siba: THE REAL ID ISNT A 9000
siba banned flaming fire for -1 minutes. reason: GSF Ghost imposter

There's going to be imposters in all games deal with it.

Siba you don't have to advertise this topic to everyone on steam
I can look for myself thank you.

..siba...just ban them. Imposters aren't worth it. I got like 6 imposters in total.

and for the guys that cant read console...
Probably had to have someone do that for ya no?


That's the guy who gave me hate message and death wishes to me!

That's the guy that helped birth my baby boy!

i wonder if there are any imposters impostering as me?

They only are 'being' the other person because they want to get credit for the great add-on that the real person just released. I talked to the real [GSF] Ghost on IRC, he said to just ignore them.

9627   flaming fire

i wonder if there are any imposters impostering as me?


time to blow the lid off the crap barrel

I do not own a blockland cd key