
Is this a good idea?


Author Topic: Left 4 Dead Pain?  (Read 639 times)

When you get hurt on left 4 dead your character gets slower and weaker , you should make an add on that when your person gets hurt he gets slower as well.

plz reply and tell me what you think about this idea.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 01:40:26 AM by Black Mesa :D »

This would make a neat player type for Left 4 Block

The problem is that this sort of damage, while realistic, gives a heavily injured player absolutely no chance of recovery against someone else - as they hurt you their advantage grows larger rather than staying the same or evening out...

The problem is that this sort of damage, while realistic, gives a heavily injured player absolutely no chance of recovery against someone else - as they hurt you their advantage grows larger rather than staying the same or evening out...
If someone shot you in the leg, they did it so you would have a lower chance of surviving, thus making you an easier target for them than you were before you were shot in the leg; If a zombie mauls you, you're probably going to have a hard time walking.

Yes. It's realistic, but not fun.

Yes. It's realistic, but not fun.
It would be fun for zombie survival games, but not zombie DMs or normal DMs.

hmm i agree its realistic but not so fun but i still think it would be a good add on