
Should he be banned or not?


Author Topic: Woodland Creature: Should his key be revoked  (Read 30582 times)

it dont seem like that big a deal as you defenders keep saying; because its only been a few days.
I know this would have escalated in a week, or a month. he would have given it away to 20 more starfish griefers and spammed this crap on 100 servers.

and badspot's email, and the forums will have a million people crying scared about how they think they got hacked.
and you know it will/would have happened.

Take it up with badspot, not me buddy ;)
Sorry, I meant to say you're.

it dont seem like that big a deal as you defenders keep saying; because its only been a few days.
I know this would have escalated in a week, or a month. he would have given it away to 20 more starfish griefers and spammed this crap on 100 servers.

and badspot's email, and the forums will have a million people crying scared about how they think they got hacked.
and you know it will/would have happened.

Once more: It was 5 people in the server They agreed it was all fake How would this be a problem?


Maybe people care more about the drama that comes afterwards then scaring a few people in a server.

Maybe people care more about the drama that comes afterwards then scaring a few people in a server.

im not talking about the 5 people in THAT instance. im talking about how he would have used it on other servers, and given it to other guys the community already hates and they spam it everywhere.

you seem to only be able to think 5 minutes ahead dont you?

im not talking about the 5 people in THAT instance. im talking about how he would have used it on other servers, and given it to other guys the community already hates and they spam it everywhere.

you seem to only be able to think 5 minutes ahead dont you?

But the problem is he did it only there.


But the problem is he did it only there.
The problem is that its a lie because Badspot said it never came up in his 2 other excuses.

But the problem is he did it only there.
You really don't get it... do you

The problem is that its a lie because Badspot said it never came up in his 2 other excuses.

In the email it clearly states i only showed TwenteFreak.

But the problem is he did it only there.
and you know for a fact that this KNOWN starfish of the community, would never use it again? hes already got a reputation, your word really don't convince us.

This reminds me of something similar to somebody walking up to their neighbors house with a box and when they knock telling them that it a box full of defused WW2 explosives and saying they want to share it. Does it matter? Or, here's another good one, you get some people to rent your house for a month, and you tell them to watch out, they have dogs, and the renters reply, "Oh no, don't worry, none of us are allergic!"

Whats the harm? It's like shooting someone with a squirtgun. Ow.

Who the hell am I? Someone who uses capitals, and doesn't curse to sound cool in every 16 letters.

As for you...Too long to write. >.< just imagine a stuffty drawn wierdo walking in place. There you have it.

And, I was being nice, and you got over-angered about something so small.
Who the hell are you talking to?

Because people can't lie on forums.
In the email it clearly states i only showed TwenteFreak.

Who the hell are you talking to?
Just let him have his little moment.
