Author Topic: Furry avatars  (Read 40847 times)

Holy stuff, when I last looked at this thread there were only 25 pages or so. ._.

Hey guys, whats going on here?

But he died in a car accident! It is a zombie furry. Necrophilia is wrong kids.

But he died in a car accident! It is a zombie furry. Necrophilia is wrong kids.

oh forget 0_0
I just realised something

i just tripled toasted!

I wasn't saying your argument was bad.  I was complaining that you posted it so many times.  Idiot.

Sorry I didn't explain. Some people were posting, "omg I lost avatar that unfair, explain plz" I quoted that message to show them why but I forgot it to say who it was directed at, in all honesty, my bad.

It went from having fun posting, to arguments, to a handful of people losing avatar privledge ):>


It went from having fun posting, to arguments, to a handful of people losing avatar privledge ):>
Except the topic was about to die.

i blame general omega for getting everyone in trouble

Burn me
Now it seems about right.
General Omega is a well-respected member. Why burn him when you could burn trolls like Rykuta?

i blame general omega for getting everyone in trouble

Yeah let's all blame General Omega this is obviously his fault!

Hey could've been worse, it could have been a bit more peaceful and quiet around here for a month or two since the lot of you could have been banned

Furry is similar to goth/emo in that the members choose to join the group partially to revel in the persecution that it brings.  It is often summarily banned from forums for this exact reason. 

Also, like other loveual special interestes, when someone posts furry artwork, other furries blindly through their support behind it even when the artwork is god-awful.  The furries quickly circle the wagons and cry "fursecution" at anyone who points out how stuffty they are.  This leads inevitably to a downward spiral of fail.