Author Topic: Insult the above person.  (Read 37069 times)

Go jump in a well and let the girl kill you.

Go dig a hole and die in it.

69'th page :D

Your avatar is too colorful and boring.

^ You are a broken condom

You are so insulting yourself I am not needed here.

You look like girl with that long hair.

You are a fool an idiot and a waste of oxygen. All in one. Your like a useless bundle pack that gets sold on Television. Your playing apart in the downfall of the community. A large one. If egos required fuel to operate; dear god you wouldn't be alive anymore. I hope you die in a loving fire you impulsive swine. I've seen smarter Cuban leaders then you. Your a waste of space on this earth; I'd rather be seen shaking hands with George Bush of whom is one level above you on the scale of bottom dwellers. Your generic. Another mouth in the world. Sadly, a mouth with a pitiful and useless voice. Go spread your bullstuff elsewhere.

tl;dr - I hate you.

You are an unwanted child.  Nobody loves you.  You would be better off if you just curled up and died.