Author Topic: THC has been Disbanded!  (Read 12964 times)

Porto says, "wtf is your problem"
THC-DarkSilence says, "this is a private conversation"
THC-DarkSilence says, "I'm no longer a friend of yours"
german mushroom: lol alt f4
Porto: i figured that out
THC-DarkSilence: I'm quitting THC
Porto: emotional are we?
THC-Lub: orly
THC-DarkSilence: No
THC-Lub: twhy?
THC-DarkSilence: Because im not being in a clan where my clan members dont trust me
THC-DarkSilence: and eavesdrop
THC-Lub: Lol
THC-Lub: I don't
Porto: well, eavesdrop is a big word
THC-DarkSilence: Now dont deny it but you have lub
THC-Lub: When?
THC-DarkSilence: NiggrNog?
THC-DarkSilence: in the inn?
THC-Lub: As I said
THC-Lub: Someone came to the door
THC-Lub: And I aint even lieing
THC-DarkSilence: You still had the intention
THC-Lub: But I didnt
THC-DarkSilence: which means if they hadnt come to the door you wouldve have
THC-DarkSilence: And thats not the point
THC-DarkSilence: Porto keeps doing it
THC-DarkSilence: Either I quit THC, or porto leaves THC
THC-DarkSilence: simple
THC-Lub: Well if you quit I quit
THC-Lub: I cba with it
THC-DarkSilence: Fine
THC-DarkSilence: Let's all disband THC
THC-DarkSilence: It isnt working anyway
THC-Lub: And we don't do anything
THC-DarkSilence: exactly
THC-Lub: I think im gonna remake Lub then
Porto: omg
Porto: why care so much that i follow you, dark
Porto: im curious
Lub: You do realise THC is no more?
Porto: oh great
Lub: we dont do anything
Lub: its pointless
Porto: not my fault
Lub: I know
Lub: It's everyones fault
Lub: cos we don't do anything
Lub: no
Lub: its no ones fault lol
Porto: you leave because dark does
Porto: are you in love with him or what
Lub: Yeah I am
Porto: friend
Lub: Lol alright no need to fall out
Porto: there is
Lub: Why?
Porto: you guys make me sick
Lub: pretty petty if you ask me
Porto: you guys never gave a forget
Porto: about thc
Lub: I did
Porto: remember the good days
Lub: no because we never did anything
DarkSilence: We butchered noobs
Porto: exactly
DarkSilence: And chased fantasies
DarkSilence: We were never the government of aot
DarkSilence: We were merely being cigarettes
Porto: hmm
Porto: it really does
Porto: hmm
DarkSilence: Porto
DarkSilence: just give it a rest
Porto: give what a rest?
DarkSilence: your adolescent fantasies
Porto: haha
Porto: yeah they totally are adolescent
Porto: its really deaed
Porto: and you guys spent days to discover useless glitchs
Porto: being buttbuddy of lub and koleth (?)
Porto: pfft you disgust me
Lub: Lol what?
Porto: you can all die
Lub: Lol
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 09:37:20 AM by Hellboy Nat »

why do people still play aot

why do people still play aot
Beats me, I think that the AoT Master Server should be shut down... I mean, who would want to pay for a master server of a game that almost nobody plays?

Beats me, I think that the AoT Master Server should be shut down... I mean, who would want to pay for a master server of a game that almost nobody plays?

Blockland and aot share a master server einstein.

and people play aot because it's not a bad game

I like AoT, but I also play other games like FlyFF and stuff. And of course, BL.

I never check these forums. In fact, I keep the whole category collapsed. All the AoT players who don't play Blockland could be plotting a secret Blockland Forums invasion for all I know.

In fact, you are, aren't you?

Welp, I guess we gotta fire up the Ion Cannon.
(Puts on sunglasses)
It always was a little to bright for me, but it's still fun to watch.

Welp, I guess we gotta fire up the Ion Cannon.
(Puts on sunglasses)
It always was a little to bright for me, but it's still fun to watch.
It looks cooler if you have those rainbow-light thing glasses on under sunglasses.

Ding-Dong, the witch is dead...

People still play AOT? Oh my gawd.