Author Topic: Is it true - P2P??  (Read 3212 times)

More History with Badspot, right after this commercial break.

I'd personally pay to play AoT, if it had a lot more content... enough to keep me hooked for a few months.

How much, I don't know.

@ Badspot
1.) the colonies were paying 2%, so I don't think it was crushing, unless the tea taxes were different

2.) I SAID that it was the wealthy colonists who were ticked about it, I left out the monopoly part I guess, but it was cutting into THEIR profits, I don't think the general public would have cared unless the wealthy incited them.

Badspot said on AoT thats it was gunna be $7.50/mo and I bet thats US dollars. Im in Canada :(

Did he hint at what he would add because I don't think anyone would pay that much for what is already offered.

Go back a page, thats mostly what he said...less laggy, more servers, homes, always able to log on...



it should be like... 2

runescape is only 5 bucks and has a stuff load of stuff

Runescape has less community...

and less ownage graphics i mean "XOMG WERE IZ MY FACE?!?!"

runescape is only 5 bucks and has a ice cream load of stuff

Lol did you pay $5 for Runescape?

*Looked it up. You can get free or pay membership
« Last Edit: September 04, 2006, 02:09:34 AM by Otis Da HousKat »

Did he hint at what he would add because I don't think anyone would pay that much for what is already offered.

Player housing.

Plus Im not sure whether Badspot said this, but it might be that you get extra priveleges for paying, so that only people paying can have houses, but people can play for free too. Also payers get a guaranteed spot on the server, as a free member will get kicked off for them if the server is full


  • Guest
Runescape has less community...

Runescape has millions of players. The community is just crappier.


  • Guest
The community is great:

PLZ "!!"""111111111 grfree stufffffffffff!!!!!!!!
omg stfu noob
no u noob
jagex blocks your pass look ***********
change your pass to coins for unlimited gold!!!1
im roich die nooobs!

palyd rs for a year maybe? got an account and alll i could see is "OMG H4X I DEIDS OMFG U N00B"and other stuff......same on free AoT kicks much more ass

The community is great:

PLZ "!!"""111111111 grfree stufffffffffff!!!!!!!!
omg stfu noob
no u noob
jagex blocks your pass look ***********
change your pass to coins for unlimited gold!!!1
im roich die nooobs!


The community is great:

PLZ "!!"""111111111 grfree stufffffffffff!!!!!!!!
omg stfu noob
no u noob
jagex blocks your pass look ***********
change your pass to coins for unlimited gold!!!1
im roich die nooobs!

ladios lol's