Author Topic: Flying Broom(USAF Airman)  (Read 10900 times)

Well, This is my first add-on I have made and to be honest with you my first model. I am very excited about this and I am sure you guys will be too. I have read around and heard people say and request a working Flying Broom, Luckily for them I am a Harry Potter fan and wanted to recreate Quidditch in the world of Blockland. So, I embarked on a mission to create one. I now present the Flying Broom add-on made by Airman.

I have some credit to give out:

A huge thanks and a big I owe you to Cap( He allowed permission to use his hov.dts as a whell)

Then of course a huge thanks to the testers please do not feel bad if I leave out names there were so many testers (Alxetora, Tomnz, Austin, Guardian Angel, SpikePHW, Black Hawk 77, and many more testers that I am grateful for)

I also wanna  add a huge thanks for all the members of ExiledBuilders I am grateful for all your support I hope we all make it big out there.

Heres some Screenshots(This is Paintable) In one picture I am riding the broom, The sweater I am wearing is a sweater and robe set I made for fun with the the houses of Hogwarts based off the movies.

Here is a screenshot of it:

Then here it is:
If for some reason that link doesnt work I have a back up

This has been tested in Single Player along with multiplayer and it works good, I am making a v2 within days the fixes in it are as follows:

It ill be equippable like an item so its carried at all times.
The Roll and Yaw will be better tweaked.
The model after I gain more practice will be of course smoother and fixed alot more and more realistic to its counterpart in the movies.
I am also going to be adding on a Quidditch Mod not sure if it will be with v2 though.
It is multipasssenger although it looks odd, you may have ot look throught third person to fly it with a second person on.
The broom needs to be fixed where you sit. It is not too bad at all.

Then for some reason if the vehicle spawn is on a base plate then the spawn will more then likely have ot have collision off but that is it which I think isdnt to bad.

I hope you all enjoy very much and please have fun. Any other suggestions please do post them here and I will fix those are the only known issuses.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 05:05:04 AM by (USAF)Airman »

Good effort. Bad result.

Here is the link for Download Im gaving trouble gettin it in the original post.

Here is  a link for a screenshot:

Then here is the download, Just put the .zip into your addons folder.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 04:57:52 AM by (USAF)Airman »

Good effort. Bad result.

That was because the link wasnt there when he attempted download it is all fixed now though, I was have difficulty gettin the links to work as I stated above.

That was because the link wasnt there when he attempted download it is all fixed now though, I was have difficulty gettin the links to work as I stated above.

err fail at the pics :/
not good when you have to download them

and this looks like your first addon DONT relese your first addon
becuse the folowing might ocure: bad modle bugs in the script(dosnt have any) lags(no) console spam(no)

your modle is horible :/

nocookie4u - :cookie:
« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 07:43:04 AM by aware14 »

The model looks horrible.

I'm not paid up for raped shots and i tryed to and it said i had to pay

good for a first add-on put plz try better

Good effort. Bad result.

Post something like that again 'bout airman and ill kick your ass.

Post something like that again 'bout airman and ill kick your ass.
Oh, are you his little supporting parasite thing? If anyone can think of a better term for you, I'll give them a cookie.

And why did you upload the screenshot to rapidshare, that's the dumbest thing you could possibly do. I'm not even going to bother trying to download either it's screenshot or the vehicle itself. Judging by previous posts it's probably a poor magic-carpet edit that does a spinning-off-into-the-distance act which is normally reserved for Team Rocket.

Aw, forget it. I was nearly done the Nimbus 2009's new, better model, and THIS pops-up.
Well, this sucks anyways.

very good indeed for first addon

why does he sit into the broom????

it looks like he has a huge red snake and a huge pencil going into his ass XDXDXD

Good effort though its better than i made, my previous comment just means the model or the positioning needs to be improved, overall well done for a first model