Author Topic: New [USSR]  (Read 160024 times)

Here's what happened to an AFK VH in our server a while back.

 :cookieMonster: Ich wußte, daß Vertikale ein Alkoholiker war!  :iceCream:

[update :D] currently working on a lego-based new metal gear from MGS4. The Gekkou.

Is it too late for an old Comrade to rejoin?

It's never too late, you'll still have to re-apply when the retail comes out.

Indeed, the newer [USSR] will have a server for the applications.

Yay, I prefer to have people to talk to while building.

Comrade Chicken!(Yes its your new nickname!)

BTW, I am reading Animal Farm, yeah for Piggy-Pinkos!

I am Comrade... Chicken?

Animal Farm is a good book, but 1984 is a better Orwell book.

My teacher POed me. She asked who would win, "Napoleon" or "Snowball". Well Napoleon go owned by Russian winter, and this was a satire.....She loled at me.