
Which map do you like the most?

Frozen Time
57 (48.3%)
D-Day (Dead)
21 (17.8%)
Tyler66's Slate Edits
2 (1.7%)
Slate Sewer
17 (14.4%)
Bedroom - Morning
21 (17.8%)

Total Members Voted: 115

Author Topic: Tyler66's Maps  (Read 18379 times)

Tyler66's Maps

Map_FrozenTime (An over use of static shapes.) v1
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?gmotmfhtglh

Story of FrozenTime: Long time ago...There was a war heading to a city, a man saw the war coming and warned everyone.
All evacuated, exept one. No one knew his name, but knew the war was coming so he built a bomb.
This bomb could freeze time in its radius. 15 Min. sence the count down the bomb exploded. The war was frozen along everyone in it.
The bomb however, seemed to take the city to another world. Scientests are still working on who was the guy who made the bomb and where the city is.

Map_D-Day DEAD

Slate Edits: http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=83297.0 v1

Map_SlateSewer v2 (Great for citys) If you had v1 REDOWNLOAD  
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?2jyyj0x5ajo

Map_Bedroom - Morning v1
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?tjdy2dywgzd
« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 08:53:19 AM by Tyler66 »

Frozen Time looks cool, hope it doesn't lag.

Frozen Time looks cool, hope it doesn't lag.
I had lots of beta testers and thay did not say anything about lag so its safe.

Hope you credited the peepz who created those vehicles..
Unless the map is just the terrain...
Anyway, not downloading, but that's just me..
It looks nice anyhow! ;)

Hope you credited the peepz who created those vehicles..
Unless the map is just the terrain...
Anyway, not downloading, but that's just me..
It looks nice anyhow! ;)
I would credit...If I knew there names :(

Correct me if I'm wrong, but why is "Frozen Time" full of apparently stolen models?
Why would anyone actually praise these when people like Aphtonites get flamed and criticized?

As for D-Day, it's terrifically bland, but definitely decent.

the only one i liked was d-day, it brings out building so that you must build the wire, sandbags, bunkers...

:EDIT: fix the description of D-day i pretty sure it was day to days not day to death   
:double EDIT: i checked on wiki, said that D-day was "day to days" or day-days or something
« Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 07:33:23 AM by TMAN7676 »

Correct me if I'm wrong, but why is "Frozen Time" full of apparently stolen models?
Why would anyone actually praise these when people like Aphtonites get flamed and criticized?

As for D-Day, it's terrifically bland, but definitely decent.

I found a terrible glitch in D-Day.
Appearently its not the right skybox & spawnpoint location is wrong.
I might be mistaken if anyone has this problem please report to me.

I like the freezing time..., But i don't like the D-Day map.

I found a terrible glitch in D-Day.
Appearently its not the right skybox & spawnpoint location is wrong.
I might be mistaken if anyone has this problem please report to me.
i do, i spawn in the water (once even under the map)
also, change the despc, its day to days, not days of death

i do, i spawn in the water (once even under the map)
also, change the despc, its day to days, not days of death
I too spawn in the water and the skybox is messed up thats one of the reasons why i don't like it.