Author Topic: Less Brick Lag  (Read 512 times)

I was wondering if it's possible at all for bricks to just disappear when you can't see them.

Example:  you are in an enclosed room and there are tons of bricks outside of this room.  When you are inside of the enclosed space, all the bricks outside of it hide.     
If this is possible, would it reduce brick lag or not?

Just wondering :D

You'd have to perform multiple raycasts to each brick to ensure you can't see it and would still probably mess up on larger bricks. This would lag you quite a lot.

Less Brick Lag

This would lag you quite a lot.


Also, I get little to no lag basically everywhere I go. Maybe instead of re-writing parts of Blockland you could get a new computer.


If there is another way to do this other than Space's suggestion, it would help a lot to do this, although windows would then be essentially pointless.