Author Topic: Banned for Being Me?  (Read 2008 times)

oh well cents u said sory i guess i dont care about u crashing 2 planes into the twin towers all by yourself

stop miking over everything

oh well cents u said sory i guess i dont care about u crashing 2 planes into the twin towers all by yourself

ty :)


lol what kind of jerk bans someone just for being themselves.


I just don't like the way he acts on the forums (go to his profile and check out his posts) and I'm not having him talking to people like that in the IRC too.

Now quit being a crybaby bitch.


lol what kind of jerk bans someone just for being themselves.

I would. If being you is to be annoying to everyone you encounter, that is.

Lol! You guys its not the end of the world...
i got banend from irc 6 times its only a 1week ban!
Just take a chill pill and wait...

I know this because

I just don't like the way he acts on the forums (go to his profile and check out his posts) and I'm not having him talking to people like that in the IRC too.

Now quit being a crybaby bitch.
1: If you don't like the way I act here, I'm fine with that. I could improve...I guess...

2. Ingame I am different. Same with IRC. Unless TheChaosCarrier and I have a mindless chat. But that is different...  >.>

3. If you want me to smarten up, Just say so.

I think that a short ban would nessacary.
what is this i dont even