Author Topic: Fuel Mod  (Read 1343 times)

We all know theres an ammo system out there...

But we don't have a Fuel System for vehicles.  I think a fuel system would make DMs and TDMs much more fun because of the challenge.  It'd be especially cool for using with planes that get damage when impacting things at high velocity.

*Plane runs out of fuel...
*Plane starts losing elevation rapidly...
*Plane crashes and explodes on impact...


People might start taking parachutes more often. :)

Might be a good idea, but remember, this is a Lego-style game.

I already thinked about it,
And make a station, etc.
 Not impossible, and good for RP(G)s

how about for planes when they are runing low on fuel they would land on the air strip and when they stop they would refuel.

Yea it would give gas stations a actual use if you made 1, good idea.

it would be so cool if your making a movie and you have to shoot the bad guys car and KAHBOOM

And a fuel tank item that refuels a vechicle. A unlimited version and a two time use version :D

yay i'm going to block city, clunk clunk clunk oh no i'm outta gas

Wont Work The Script Just Dont Go With Bl's Vehicles Already.

You'd Have To Place The Script On Every Bl Plane Or Vehicle There Is.

Wont Work The Script Just Dont Go With Bl's Vehicles Already.

You'd Have To Place The Script On Every Bl Plane Or Vehicle There Is.

I Really Enjoy Talking Like This. Capitalization Is Fun.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2009, 12:41:08 PM by aj.... »

Just Stop Talking Like This, and everything will be fine ;P

Suggested Many times. I want to see it also. D:

I say yes to all reasonable requests because you don't have to download them..

Yes we need this.