Grappling Hook Code

Author Topic: Grappling Hook Code  (Read 2829 times)

Hello. I've been trying to incorperate the grappling hook code as found here:

Into TSE.

It was very easy to do, but it seems as if player movements are extremely buggy. Is there a more up to date version of this in Age of Time? And if so, could we see whats new/different?



you've never played AOT have you?
Badspot IS eric hartman

Actually, Im a long time Age of Time player. And yes, I do know Badspot is Eric Hartman. Thats why I posted here :P

Take the code from V3 if you can find it.... This is C++, not Torque Script. And even V3 is dso'ed

ohhh TSE not TGE my bad, nit sure what TSE IS but ok... uhm... IDK

maybe you could PM him?


You know, I have been around for a while. I just left for months because of certain community members. That's a whole other arguement though :)

Then get an ISP E-Mail...


  • Administrator
AoT is using a more up to date version of the grappling hook.  But no, you can't see it.  It's a gameplay feature that makes AoT stand out, so I don't want to see it in every torque project out there. 

Thank you for your time.

AoT is using a more up to date version of the grappling hook.  But no, you can't see it.  It's a gameplay feature that makes AoT stand out, so I don't want to see it in every torque project out there. 
and also the fact that the game doesnt suck makes it stand out also

It's a great game. The only problem I'm experiencing with the code is that I can't move in certain directions. Very odd indeed. Ah well. I was only using it for a very specific purpose. (Whenever you fall you're given 1 second to grab onto a wall. Grabbing was being done with the hook code)