Author Topic: What was the first Blockland server you ever joined?  (Read 4824 times)

Badspot's Block Party. I didn't know who he was at the time, I believe I just saw the high brick count and wanted to see what people had built.

I was the only person there.

Space Guy.

Don't remember what it was though......

Kevins freebuild. hosted in bedroom. V8.

Some random server I got banned from in about ten seconds for "High ID" (4371)

Damn them discriminators :(

If you remember it, that is.

The first server I joined was Oasis'(?) desert CityRP or whatever RPG it was. Of course, I had no idea what the forget I was doing, so I left...and discovered Capn's Freebuild, played on that until he vanished into thin air one day.
Yeah I liked that server. Kinda remember you too.  :D

Apple's server! It was great. :)

Apple's server! It was great. :)
First good server I joined :D

The destruct badspots block party

I don't remember my first v0002 server, But the first Blockland server I joined was Sampapa's.

Some city rpg where you had to go through a house or teleporter to go to the city or to mineral mines. Whas somewhere in august.

I think it was called the default v002 name.
I remember building a cow-coloured(I think) house on the drawer with some people. :D

Badspot's Block Party. It was the first thing I saw and it had the word "party" in it. I joined and Badspot was the only one there. I said, "hi" and he said "Hey" back. After hanging out there for a few minutes, I got this strange feeling like I was in the presence of someone important, but I didn't know why. I immediately left.