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Author Topic: BMX Bike  (Read 1201 times)

I am getting tired of posting this as a suggestion, I want a normal BMX bike with some cool scipted tricks. Like a tailwhip or decade or barspin or superman. *Nothing No Foot Can-Can* Or a backflip. I am making a skatepark build, so this will be useful. Also, on a specific binded key, it will grind. Fast, higher bunnyhop one without pegs. no grinding. Or a slower, low hop quad pegged one. grinding. Please.  :cookieMonster:

I dont think anyone can make this.

It would be cool though.

I dont think anyone can make this.

It would be cool though.
Oh. :(

Well if you want tricks, this would probably have to be a playertype similiar to the Womprat.

I am hoping that someone will make the animations. And an autolineup thing cuz I already have 3 ramps.

Whatever.... I could live without tricks aslong as it could slightly controllable through the air... as for the tricks.... it would be like the Converti cars roof.... or something....


Whatever.... I could live without tricks aslong as it could slightly controllable through the air... as for the tricks.... it would be like the Converti cars roof.... or something....

Are you high, that made no sense at all...

Darkstar made one, I think he quit on finishing it.

Darkstar made one, I think he quit on finishing it.
BMX. Not MX. You know, Dave Mirra, decade, manual, Haro. Crap like that.

BMX. Not MX. You know, Dave Mirra, decade, manual, Harocan suck my rooster .Crap like that.
Ya, he made a bmx bike.
I used to bmx. And also Haro sucks at making bmx bikes. By far the worst. If you want to learn more on better bmx bikes and stuff buy the stuff off http://www.danscomp.com/. I have a heavily modified Eastern something. The only stock part for it is the cranks I think, and I have another one which is just a Eastern Shovelhead, only back rim has been modified and the front wheel is at my friends house.

Ya, he made a bmx bike.
I used to bmx. And also Haro sucks at making bmx bikes. By far the worst. If you want to learn more on better bmx bikes and stuff buy the stuff off http://www.danscomp.com/. I have a heavily modified Eastern something. The only stock part for it is the cranks I think, and I have another one which is just a Eastern Shovelhead, only back rim has been modified and the front wheel is at my friends house.
Accually, Reebok is by far the worst. Not even a single gyro system and a solid heavy frame. Not good.... Anyway.

30 second edit: Can i have link to Darkstars bike pl0x?
« Last Edit: November 12, 2009, 05:24:37 PM by Radioactive Cat »